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Updated June 9, 2019

Boy name origins & meanings

  • Hebrew : God's grace

How Popular Is The Name Jenner

Family name origins & meanings

  • English (chiefly Kent and Sussex) : occupational name for a designer or engineer, from a Middle English reduced form of Old French engineor ‘contriver’ (a derivative of engaigne ‘cunning’, ‘ingenuity’, ‘stratagem’, ‘device’). Engineers in the Middle Ages were primarily designers and builders of military machines, although in peacetime they might turn their hands to architecture and other more pacific functions.
  • German : from the Latin personal name Januarius (see January 1). Jänner is a South German word for ‘January’, and so it is possible that this is one of the surnames acquired from words denoting months of the year, for example by converts who had been baptized in that month, people who were born or baptized in that month, or people whose taxes were due in January.

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