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By Stephanie Sokol
Kids, Childhood Development, Emotional Development
Kids, Childhood Development, Emotional Development
By L. Elizabeth Forry
Kids, Childhood Development, Emotional Development
By Jennifer Caffelle
Kids, Emotional Development, Childhood Development
  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    When a child is ready to progress academically, she may not necessarily be as emotionally well-developed as her peers.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    An expert advises the parents of a teen who is troubled after witnessing an attempted suicide.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    When a younger child is determined to prove she's as "grown up" as her older sibling, parental intervention may be required.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    It's typical for a 13-year-old girl to become interested only in boys, herself, and her friends. You can help keep her on track.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Many gifted children seem to have a heightened sensitivity, and can be stressed even by positive experiences.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    A sudden change in behavior or school work is usually related to something specific that has happened, such as a change in the family.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    When a child is outgoing and sociable at home, but withdrawn at school, it may just be a matter of time until he comes out of his shell.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    How much stock should you put in a young girl's assertion that she wants to be a boy?

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Advanced children often grow impatient with those who aren't as adept as them. Be sure to teach them the lesson of empathy.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Different fears can pop up at any time for children, but the strategies for dealing with them remain the same.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Help your child overcome her shyness at a young age.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Find out what our expert has to say about a ten-year-old who is still sucking her thumb.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Children as young as three years old are equipped to attend both a funeral and a burial at the cemetery.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    A parent asks our expert, "How can I help my son deal with his friend's suicide when he's so far from home?"

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    A parent considers removing her child from preschool because of an abusive classmate.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Does a child need help grieving if he isn't showing emotion over the death of his grandmother?

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    Cremation is a tough concept for young kids to comprehend, but it's much worse to shield them from this ritual.

  • Kids
    Emotional Development

    A mother wonders if she should be concerned that her 12-year-old's participation in Little League hasn't been competitive this year.

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